
Saturday, 14 December 2013

Sunday, 11 August 2013

trade with savety

Most people do not know how he was going to start trading. Though he has repeatedly browsing the internet of things related to forex knowledge. He was many times back and forth to read and learn from Cafe Trader. But he was still confused, "I want what?" Here I will give you good guidance to be used as a reference, okey?There are simple steps to start your training.

Buy the book or read about Forex Trading in forex websites or blog about Trader's Cafe.
Open Demo Account. It can be a way of simulating the real trade preparation, at least it will make you feel comfortable with the trading platform,
Continue reading about forex as much information as you can.
Try to apply what you learn to make good trading decisions with your demo account.
Open a demo account trading and familiarize with each observation.
Start using some indicators that you feel most comfortable with.
When you trade a demo account, try to stick to the more popular trading partner such as USD / JPY and EUR / USD. While using the smallest volume in the trade.
Do not let you jump into the real trading, if the demo you have not gotten their profits significantly.
Do not listen to other people's addictions. Your money is not theirs, it's yours. They may tell you when you will enter a trade, while you beg to differ.
Do not be discouraged if you use a micro account. Think you're studying, and still plan for greater account when the account has been successful in micro.
Continue to motivate yourself. If I were you, I would avoid reading non-beginner forum, They're koar-koarnya: profit .. profit .. profiiiiit! Wk wkwk kwkkk ... In the beginning trader that much to brag about their trade. Why, because they do not mention his losses or loss wkw kwkkkkk ... They try to show off the system, showing off all the robots. In the end he would sell indicator or robot. LHA, which would ngibul also no newbie trader like checking ... LHA newbie that did not know anything. Because of the serious newbie, we have to pay whatever will be paid as well, right? I've been many times in the same kibulin senior trader, so memorize wkwk kwkkk ... But not all senior trader so ... a lot of good as well anyway. There's even really use the EA that was really joss gandoss ... If I personally, in my often wondered whether loss, yes I said, "are also" eh who knows there is deposited my account. wkw kw kwkwk .. Anything else ask me, "you often profit?" I would answer, "Often, but a little." LHA, if I say a lot of profit, friends may ask me the same deposited wkw kwkkwk kw ... You want to believe it or not with me, it's not my business. Everyone is entitled to assess a trader. And my profit and loss should not affect your trading. What does it mean? That traders only accountable for yourself. Trading motivation has to come from yourself, not from others. Because if it comes from other people who profit, for example ... so he joined lemes your loss. You lose confidence. Your loss too well. Wkw kwkkk ... You may often ask, is there a consistent trader profit? If any of them so, are the criteria? Is he a trader who has long crossed the globe in forex for years? Is he who has managed to make the indicator? Does he have great creating trading robots? Some of them are really great and always consistent profit, no pretending. Wkw kkkk ... Let the newbie to know the real situation earlier, that there is nothing good in trading, but there are so goats in trading, you know ... Agree or disagree you told me, anyway i still trading. Like it or not you against my babbling, yet you are still reading this article. You now become a passion to learn trading, you practice, then you profit, I also do not be in love of your profit?
Join the community of forex beginners who are trying to learn. Find some people like you and learn from each other, would be better. If you can find a reputable mentor (do not bother him often profit or frequent loss), which is important you can hasten the process of learning your trade. Agree or not with me, pardon me ... I wrote this post while also trading and thank God hefty profit. So, nothing to loose.

how he was going to start trading

Most people do not know how he was going to start trading. Though he has repeatedly browsing the internet of things related to forex knowledge. He was many times back and forth to read and learn from Cafe Trader. But he was still confused, "I want what?" Here I will give you good guidance to be used as a reference, okey?There are simple steps to start your training.

Buy the book or read about Forex Trading in forex websites or blog about Trader's Cafe.
Open Demo Account. It can be a way of simulating the real trade preparation, at least it will make you feel comfortable with the trading platform,
Continue reading about forex as much information as you can.
Try to apply what you learn to make good trading decisions with your demo account.
Open a demo account trading and familiarize with each observation.
Start using some indicators that you feel most comfortable with.
When you trade a demo account, try to stick to the more popular trading partner such as USD / JPY and EUR / USD. While using the smallest volume in the trade.
Do not let you jump into the real trading, if the demo you have not gotten their profits significantly.
Do not listen to other people's addictions. Your money is not theirs, it's yours. They may tell you when you will enter a trade, while you beg to differ.
Do not be discouraged if you use a micro account. Think you're studying, and still plan for greater account when the account has been successful in micro.
Continue to motivate yourself. If I were you, I would avoid reading non-beginner forum, They're koar-koarnya: profit .. profit .. profiiiiit! Wk wkwk kwkkk ... In the beginning trader that much to brag about their trade. Why, because they do not mention his losses or loss wkw kwkkkkk ... They try to show off the system, showing off all the robots. In the end he would sell indicator or robot. LHA, which would ngibul also no newbie trader like checking ... LHA newbie that did not know anything. Because of the serious newbie, we have to pay whatever will be paid as well, right? I've been many times in the same kibulin senior trader, so memorize wkwk kwkkk ... But not all senior trader so ... a lot of good as well anyway. There's even really use the EA that was really joss gandoss ... If I personally, in my often wondered whether loss, yes I said, "are also" eh who knows there is deposited my account. wkw kw kwkwk .. Anything else ask me, "you often profit?" I would answer, "Often, but a little." LHA, if I say a lot of profit, friends may ask me the same deposited wkw kwkkwk kw ... You want to believe it or not with me, it's not my business. Everyone is entitled to assess a trader. And my profit and loss should not affect your trading. What does it mean? That traders only accountable for yourself. Trading motivation has to come from yourself, not from others. Because if it comes from other people who profit, for example ... so he joined lemes your loss. You lose confidence. Your loss too well. Wkw kwkkk ... You may often ask, is there a consistent trader profit? If any of them so, are the criteria? Is he a trader who has long crossed the globe in forex for years? Is he who has managed to make the indicator? Does he have great creating trading robots? Some of them are really great and always consistent profit, no pretending. Wkw kkkk ... Let the newbie to know the real situation earlier, that there is nothing good in trading, but there are so goats in trading, you know ... Agree or disagree you told me, anyway i still trading. Like it or not you against my babbling, yet you are still reading this article. You now become a passion to learn trading, you practice, then you profit, I also do not be in love of your profit?
Join the community of forex beginners who are trying to learn. Find some people like you and learn from each other, would be better. If you can find a reputable mentor (do not bother him often profit or frequent loss), which is important you can hasten the process of learning your trade. Agree or not with me, pardon me ... I wrote this post while also trading and thank God hefty profit. So, nothing to loose.
Okey, so mild hint about how I started trading forex, if you are still confused also add my YM ID: or if you want to relax for a moment to join my facebook


Forex Trading is trading currencies from different countries with each other. Forex is acronym of Foreign Exchange. For example, in Europe the currency in circulation is called the Euro (EUR) and in the United States, the currency in circulation is called the U.S. Dollar (USD). An example of a forex trade is to buy the Euro while simultaneously selling U.S. Dollar. It is called will be abbreviated EUR / USD.
While, whose name Forex market is a non-stop cash market where currencies are traded states that, typically via brokers. Foreign currencies are constantly and simultaneously bought and sold in the local and global market then experienced "an increase or decrease in value based upon currency movements. Foreign exchange market conditions can change at any time in response to real-time events.
WHAT IS FOREX TRADING?Many have wondered what it is about forex trading, Forex market is often referred to as the foreign exchange market, this is a large market with growing and liquid financial (deposit and can be withdrawn at any time) that operates 24 hours a day. This is not a market in the traditional sense because there is no central trading location. Most of the trading is done through a network via electronic trading. The foreign exchange market enables companies, banks and other financial institutions to buy and sell foreign currency, sometimes in large numbers. Simply put, forex trading is a way to earn money by taking advantage of exchange rate movements. .
The main market is the currency market for "inter-bank" where banks, large corporations and large financial institutions to manage the risks associated with fluctuations in currency exchange rates.

The following are the major currencies that are traded in the market:U.S. Dollar (USD)Japanese Yen (JPY)Euro (EUR)Canadian Dollar (CAD)Australian Dollar (AUD)Swiss Franc (CHF)British Pound (GBP)
MARKET ACTORSIn general, forex Market participants came from various groups including:
* Customers* Banks and Financial Institutions* Broker* Government* Performers Business* Speculators

Customers, such as multinational corporations, participate in the forex market because they require foreign currency for their trade in other countries. Like for example, a particular company based in the UK need to use the foreign exchange market to buy the currency they need to pay their partner companies in other countries that sell heavy equipment.
Banks and financial institutions, is the most active participants in the forex market. They deal with other financial institutions to ask their foreign exchange rates, and they can buy the currency they need in the forex market. In addition to the central bank and the government, one of the biggest players in the forex transaction is the bank. Interbank market is a market where large bank2 transactions between them and determine the price of a currency as that seen by individual traders as we are on a computer screen.
Banks, in general, act as dealers buy / sell currencies at the bid / ask her. One way the banks make money is to sell the currency at a higher price than he bought to its customers. Because the forex market is not centralized alias decentralized, then a reasonable view of the bank with other banks had little difference in the exchange rate
Broker is a company with links computer software or phone lines to banks worldwide. It is the job of a forex broker to know what banks have the highest level to buy the currency and what banks have the lowest levels to sell the currency.
By using a broker allows for banks to find the best deal available in the world. Forex brokerage firms, but this is not related to money itself but only charge a commission for their services.
Government, forex is the most influential actors, in addition to the central bank. In many countries, the central bank is an arm of the government and carry out its policies together with the government. However, some governments feel more independent. A central bank more effective in carrying out its duties to boost the economy. Regardless of how indipendennya a central bank, government representatives usually regularly consult with representatives of the central bank to discuss monetary policy. So, governments and central banks usually have a package in terms of monetary policy. The central banks often intervene in the market economy for the purposes of a particular country.
Business actors, is one of the biggest clients of these banks, those involved in international transactions. Both these businesses sell goods to an international client or buying goods from international suppliers, they have to deal with the volatility of currency fluctuations. Uncertainty into management thing and hated by the business owner. Dealing with the foreign exchange risk is a big issue for multinational companies. For example: a company in Germany ordered the equipment from the factory in Japan to be paid in Yen 1 year from now. Because of the exchange rate can fluctuate wildly dg throughout the year, the German company will not know whether to issue a euro more or not at the time of delivery later. One way for businesses to reduce the uncertainty due to foreign exchange risk is to go to the spot market and transact directly to the foreign currency they need. But, unfortunately businesses may not have enough cash on hand to make spot transactions or do not want to hold the amount of foreign currency which is very much for a long time. Hence businesses often implement hedging strategy to lock specific currency at a certain price for positioning purposes in the future.
Speculators, they instead download that are not subject to hedge price movements for reasons of international transactions, speculators trying to earn money by taking advantage of price fluctuations. One of the most famous speculator George Soros. Millionaire who is known for speculation on the British pound decreased 1.2 billion dollars to make money less than a month! Some critics say that such people are responsible for the Asian financial crisis of the late 90's.
HOW TO PRINT MONEY TRADING FOREXLet us assume that the current 1 USD = 0.71585 EURO (1 EUR = 1.39694 USD) and a trader has $ 100,000. He decided to buy EUR at current prices and end up getting 71 585 EURO. After several days, the euro appreciates and the new exchange rate is 1 EUR = 1.40101 USD. The trader sells his EURO for USD and in turn make a profit. This is because the sale of the euro, he gets $ 100,291.30085, while, he started with $ 100,000. In other words, in the span of a few day traders earn $ 291.30085, which is approximately 0.29% of return on investment. Since 1 pip = 0.0001 (for EUR / USD), traders make 29 pips.
So hopefully you are still asking what is forex trading, a brief explanation of the above a little help give understanding. Happy studying! Continue your forex learning